SATURDAY 16th APRIL GOLF CLASSIC FUNDRAISER €60 per player Shotgun start 08:30 am Golf Classic - Register to Play Register to enter the Golf Classic "*" indicates required fields Team Leader Name* First Last Your Email* Your Phone*Your Handicap*Add a team to play with you?*You can add as many players as you want for the Costa Gaels Golf Classic. We will sort the Teams based on handicaps! Yes! Add more golfers! No! Its just myself! Add a teamIf you have more golfers who will be joining you add their names and handicaps here. If you have more than 4 (a full team) no problem! We will include them in with other teams with similar handicaps!Player DetailsClick + to add more golfers.Player First NamePlayer SurnamePlayer Handicap Add RemoveEnterThe cost per golfer will be €60 and includes golf buggy – food – and some EXCELLENT prizes presented in Biddy Mulligans Bar, La Cala De Mijas. If you need to make any changes to the players entered no problem we will provide you the contacts upon submission to help make arrangements on the day! Thanks for entering and we look forward to another great Golf Classic!NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ