Register Club Registration Step 1 of 2 50% Who is Registering?Individuals should register seperately. Single Player (Mens or Ladies) Children Registration Player RegistrationIf you are registering as a single player (Men's or Ladies)Name(Required) First Last Team Mens Ladies Date of Birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Phone(Required)Email(Required) PositionChildrens RegistrationPlease fill in the contact information for the primary guardian of the minor below.Parent Name(Required) Parent Name Surname Phone(Required)Parent / Guardian Email(Required) Child / Children's Details(Required)To add more than one child please click the + sign.Childs NameAge ID Number / PassportWe need these details in order to properly register you and your family with the Club. One parent should fill this in if registering Children.Identity number(Required)You can put in your passport number or a Spanish ID here (TIE, NIE or DNI - these re preferred please!) *If registering a child only the parents details are required. Passport DNI NIE / TIE Passport Number(Required)DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad)(Required)NIE / TIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero)(Required)Media WaiverMedia and Liability Waiver.(Required) CONSENT: We/I hereby certify that We/I are/am the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the above named child and include myself or my family and do hereby give our/my consent without reservation to the foregoing on behalf of my child/children, family and myself for all media usage in respect of the club and sport and allow the use of photos to be used in ongoing promotion of the sport/club online and in social media. I also hereby absolve the club of all responsibility in the case of any injury, accident or incident or risk as I realise the extent and context of the sport and understand that it involves physical contact and while the club takes all precautions and takes every reasonable effort to ensure a safe and healthy environment it shall not ultimately be responsible. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ