The skills needed in attack are listed below and include explanations and examples:
The 45 in Gaelic football is the equivalent of a corner in soccer. When the ball is knocked out behind the goals on the end line by a defending player then a 45 is awarded. The ball is placed 45 yards from the goals, on the ground and the attacking time...
Free Kicks
Free's or free kicks are similar to soccer/football in that they are taken from the ground or directly from the hands. If from the hands players must hold the ball steady and are permitted to take a stride before striking the ball.
Free Kicks ...
The goal in Gaelic football...The battle to score goals in gaelic football is the toughest close quarters action you will see. Goals win games, you will hear them say but points win prizes! A goal in Gaelic football is worth 3 points.
It can be the...
The same concept as soccer whereby if a player is fouled inside the box in front of the goals then a penalty may be awarded. In much the same way as soccer the ball is placed on the spot and the player is nominated to take the kick one on one against...
A point in Gaelic football is when the foot is struck, typically by the foot and the ball travels over the top of the goal crossbar and between the vertical uprights. A point is worth exactly what it say its worth, 1 single point!
Heres the best...
Sideline Score
When the ball is knocked wide and out of bounds of the pitch the opposing team can bring the ball back into play by kicking it in from the hands. If they are in range of the goals they can "take a point". Its NEVER easy, due to the distance and the static nature ...