New Partnership with Marbella Rugby Club
Its been a strange, and difficult time over the last year and a half with the various restrictions and requirements we have all had to adapt to since the beginning of the pandemic and the Costa Gaels club and Committee have made every effort to ensure the club has remained stable and available to all our members and friends, sometimes in a small capacity, other times in a major fashion, but this is what the club is for and I want to take a moment and thank every member, social member, parent, player and all our kids for their positive attitude and strong will over this difficult time.
Thank you for making this club so great. It really makes us proud!
Thought this period we have also had deep discussions and spent time working with our friends at the Marbella Rugby Club, facing the same issues as ourselves and doing our utmost to remain strong together, provide positive sporting opportunities and ensure regulations are met and social events are both fun and comfortable in the current environment.
Through this effort, we have come closer together and delved into further strengthening and solidifying the bonds we have forged over the last few years through our shared interests and efforts.
With that, we are delighted to announce that the Marbella Rugby Club and Costa Gaels are now becoming one and the same while we all strive together to make both clubs bigger, better, and stronger by focusing in on mutual development, cultural development, and cross-community integration with the brilliant family at the Marbella Rugby Club and we know we will be a positive force for the future.
Already we are back training and on this last Sunday, we did our first combined training session with the Marbella Rugby Ladies team and the Costa Gales Ladies team who trained together practicing a Gaelic football session and a Rugby session between the 2 groups. It was a great experience and one we will be continuing with the men and kids as we come back to regular training and matches!
Small steps make big differences and from this one effort, we have expanded our community and begun forming new bonds and friendships between our respective clubs.
The future is bright and we are excited to continue this season expanding on this great effort.
A big thank you to Marbella Rugby Club should be said as well. It’s been great and getting better all!
If you’re new to either sport or to the area don’t hesitate to get in touch here: https://costagaels.com/contact.
We have and cater to all ages and all skill levels and are very welcoming to all individuals who want to get involved and benefit from the amazing setup we have here.
See you soon and lets get training!
Justin Parks
Chairperson – Costa Gaels Marbella